vrijdag 4 november 2011

To give something a second life...

This weekend is the Book Art Fair in Leiden. I exhibit my work there for the fourth time.
Also for the fourth time I make collages for packing material for my work (small books, bookmarks and linocuts). I had many scraps of paper from collages and instead of throwing away I wanted to give it a second life. Also discarded envelopes, wrapping papers and acid-free folders get a second chance. It costs nothing, you can recycle anything and people find nice this kind of packing material. If I have a busy day it is nice to craft in the evening to relax.

acid-free folders


paper bags
Where do all these scraps of paper come from? In 2006 I made collages for a party at my work. It was quick and easy to hang and then discard.

 In 2007 I made collages for the farewell of a Deputy Director (her specialty is portraits).
And for Christmas of 2007 I made collages for a wall with posters (at my work).

Then I painted a few sheets of paper with acrylic for a few collages. For more collages see please set collages at my Flickr.

1 opmerking:

  1. Dag Angela, heel mooie mapjes en dat zomaar als verpakking! Ook de inhoud vind ik erg mooi trouwens. Ik heb hier een foto'tje van je werk op mijn blog (http://slootjesschilder.blogspot.com/) - hoop dat je dat goed vindt...
