Trees are fascinating in their diversity. They are
symbol of strength and steadfastness.
A tree with strong roots in the earth can
against winds. But a tree is also protection:
birds make their nests in the tasks and different animals live in the cavities of the trunk In the summer t
rees provide cooling for everyone. De flowers and fruit of fruit trees are not only beautiful but also important for animals and men.
Here are a small selection of sketches,
watercolors and woodcuts of trees that I made between 1988 (one of my
first woodcuts) and
2011 (sketches).
For paintings
see also my flickr: summer, red pandas, owl, lemur, night and end of autumn.
Polder van Biesland (near Delft)
Elsenburger Bos
Along the canal in Delft, with my dog Ping-Aan.
"Perseverance", woodcut, 1988
"Tranquility" (near the house of my parents), woodcut in two colors, 1989
"Recognition", linocut in three colors, 1992
Hortus Leiden
Rotterdam Zoo (Diergaarde Blijdorp)
Also Rotterdam Zoo (Diergaarde Blijdorp)
"Autumn", watercolor, 1992
When I walked with my dog Ping-Aan, I gathered these beautiful autumn leaves.
Watercolor, 2004
Also watercolor of 2004.
Rosemarijn van Limburg Stirum (site and blog) is working on a new project on fruits of Indonesia (she was born there).
We were in Xodus,
an exotic plant shop in Delft, to draw
banana trees and other plants. Photo of Rosemarijn making a watercolor.
Photo of Angela, making a sketch.
Sketch of a banana tree from Xodus.
Also a sketch of a banana tree from Xodus.