zondag 16 juni 2013


Yesterday Annie Thieleman and I went to Biggekerke, for the open day at 'Beeld in Balans' ('Sculpture in Balance'), Schuitvlotstraat 1. This atelier (in a farm) is a beautiful workplace where sculptors can work, inside and in warmer weather, outside. Joep Aerssens welcomed us with a cup of coffee and told us about the atelier and the works that are exhibited.

Sculpture by Erna Bostelaar

Sculpture by Tinneke Roose: Joep told that in a car accident, that this sculpture is the only one that remained whole. This is why this sculpture got a special place on a pedestal in the atelier (see photo of interior above).

View from a cozy kitchen

Annie en Joep looking at his work.

In the foreground a detail of the sculpture of Joep; in the background a 'Vliedberg' (Motte-and-bailey castle).

Sculpture by Jacomien Riemens (see also my bird blog

Also a sculpture by Jacomien Riemens.

The 'Vliedberg' (Motte-and-bailey castle).

A curious goat...

The goat keeps the grass neatly of the 'Vliedberg'.



Church (Nederlands Hervormde Kerk), ca 1400

In this church was a nice exhibition of quilts.

Annie looking the quilts.

This saturday was also an event day. There was a market where you can buy stuff (the proceeds will go to the charities).

A bakker showed how Zeeuwse bolus are made. They are delicious: warm and crunchy.

You could guess how many buttons were sewn...

It's always fun to see what is being sold on the market.

More photos of Biggekerke

Another farm

Another 'Vliedberg' bij Zoutelandseweg

'Vliedberg' bij Zoutelandseweg, in the background Middelburg.

In a small second hand store (in a house room, nobody there, only a box for the money), I found this book by Konrad Lorenz (translation of Hans Warren): Ik sprak met viervoeters , vogels en vissen (originally title: Er redete mit dem Vieh, den Vögeln und den Fischen). My mother had this book at home (long ago...). I always wanted to read this book again and now I could buy it for 1 euro. And the small black statue of a Hippopotamus: I bought on the market for 10 cent.